Port Chicago Sailors Exonerated!

The Secretary of the Navy signed an order on July 17 exonerating the 256 sailors convicted at Port Chicago, including the 50 convicted of mutiny, plus 206 sailors charged with disobeying orders.

The FBA NDCA Chapter especially wants to congratulate our VP of Government Agencies, Jonathan Lee, for his dedication to the Task Force Chair and to see these men and their families get the justice they deserve.

Read Jonathan’s full statement and the Navy’s Press Release Here.

For his efforts, Jonathan has been Awarded the 2024 Chapter Achievement Award.

Jonathan Lee with Secretary of the Navy, Carlos Del Toro
Jonathan Lee with Sean Coffey, General Counsel of the Navy
RtoL: Randy Sue Pollock (FBA President), Jonathan Lee, U.S. Representative John Garamendi, and Jody Iorns, Executive Director, Contra Costa County Bar Association
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